Child Evangelism Fellowship - Betty Andrews

Here is what I have for you the week of April 27
1. The first session on the Wordless Book went well - I told the story of Madugu, a little African boy who heard the WB and became a Christian, and was given the WB to take & share with his village. I challenged the kids to think of someone they can share the story with and pray for them.
2.  A good turn out at our Spring Promotional Event - three new couples heard about the ministry
3. So thankful that the new medication I am on is giving relief from the arthritis pain & I am able to sleep better most nights.
1. This Monday is our last STEM Club for this school year, pray as we make the Wordless Book bracelets or keychains and practice using them. Pray that the kids will want to share Jesus with friends
2.  Pray for wisdom and good connections as I look for churches to partner with in doing 5-Day Clubs this summer. We will offer the kit and online training to help them do ministry
3.  Please continue to pray for the safety of our workers in Haiti - they are doing their best to help families and children in this time of unrest/turmoil in that country.

Thank you for your prayers
Betty Andrews
Pacific Northwest Director ~ CEF of BC